
Showing posts from May, 2016

Jokowi Create Account Youtube

JAKARTA, (PR) .- President Joko Widodo launched his official Youtube account, Saturday, May 28, 2016 in Bogor. Accounts with President Joko Widodo or accessible netizens began at 9:00 pm, Saturday, May 28, 2016. When accessed at 11:54 pm on the same day, the account uploaded 7 new video content with average views per video 130 times. Special Staff of President Ari Dwipayana through a press statement to the Jakarta said, Jokowi has launched a Twitter account and Facebook @jokowi (President Joko Widodo) on June 21, 2015 last. After that, followed by the launch of the official website on December 15, 2015, and the launch of Instagram account @jokowi on 28 Jan, 2016. In the digital era, as now, said Ari, the use of social media is very important as a means of the government to inform and communicate with the public. Similarly, the president who currently has five social media channels that can be utilized by the public.

Asus Pick the Best Laptop 2016


Inflations Academic in Aceh

EVERY commemorate National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) new-including that we commemorated on May 20, 2016 lalu-- we re-evaluate where the position is in the constellation nation among nations. Again and again we find the many indicators of our Nation remains on the appeal of other nations, including in the ASEAN region. A wealth of natural resources (SDA) we are apparently not been able to bring prosperity to all. The study results in a lot of places do show that SDA is only a necessary condition but not enough for the revival and progress of a nation. The quantity and especially the quality of human resources (HR) is a sufficient condition absolute even in the era of this science. At a more micro level, Aceh is an example of how natural resources can not be welfare of its people. In addition to mis-management and corruption by resource managers in Aceh, the quality of human resources is both a cause and a result of a variety of our problems. Strangely, this happened in the middle of

The Village fund and future of agriculture in Indonesia

POLICY  - government poured in Act 6 of 2014 on the village, 114 Permendagri Guidelines Rural Development, Regulation 113 of 2014 regarding the Financial Management of the Village and other legislation relating to the village fund has made the village (village) into objects "sexy" for some, because the flow of hundreds of millions of rupiah into account the Village. As mentioned Governor Zaini Abdullah, Aceh received an allocation of village funds (ADD) amounting to Rp 3.8 trillion in 2016 to 6474 the village are scattered in 23 districts / cities (foyer, 11.04.2015). We certainly hope the village allocation fund is so big it does not make the position holders or apparatus such gampong keuchik (village head) as the highest levels of government fiduciary village caught in legal problems later on. The fund is a heavy burden as well as a valuable capital for development at the village level if the course is well managed and well targeted, but if management is not based

Management Oil and Gas in Aceh

ISSUES management of oil and gas into one of the issues since the enactment of Law 11 of 2006 on Governing Aceh (LOGA), which was then set on Government Regulation No.23 of 2015 on the Management of Shared Natural Resources Oil and Gas in Aceh. On that basis, formed Oil and Gas Management Agency Aceh (BPMA) which replaces SKK Migas in Aceh. With the formation of this institution, means the government of Aceh has been granted the right to manage oil and gas in Aceh. The validity of the establishment of the agency has been demonstrated by the inauguration of the Head BPMA, Marzuki Daham by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) recently in Jakarta. We welcome this policy. Of course in the hope of increasing the movement of the economy and the welfare of society. Aceh government involvement in this activity does not mean the Government of Aceh can organize politically every step and motion of the BPMA. Indeed, it is part of the political negotiations were discussed in a rel

Religion Is advice

Life is nothing more than bring the age of the two kinds; good and evil (evil). God has given us the mind and heart to vote for the two, there are people who tend to favor, some against ugliness. That is the point of the creation of heaven and hell. Doers will be given of heaven, while those who do evil will be tortured in hell. Fa alhamaha fujuraha wa taqwaha, which God revealed to the soul of the (road) wickedness and piety (QS. As-Shams: 8). Either do good or for bad, it is the individual's choice. The good guys of course he the person who carried out the orders of Allah and His prohibitions. He was always in the religion of Allah to always do good. Being honest, sincere, caring for others, resignation, tawadhu ', compassionate, tasamuh, polite and courteous. When speaking he was not rude, it is not insulting others, does not interfere with other people and talking are fine. In the association he keep religious norms and social, he did not steal, do not kill, do not hurt

Conference and Performing Arts Aceh in Melbourne

An international conference and cultural arts panggug Aceh will be held in Melborne, Australia, 17 to 30 September 2016. A total of 39 artists Aceh enliven the cultural attractions. Chairman of the Committee for the International Conference and Cultural Event (ICCE) Aceh (International Conference and Events Culture Aceh) in Australia, Ari Palawi deliver it when meeting the chairman of the commission was, Teuku Riefky Harsya, at Parliament House Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (23 / 2/2016). Ari Palawi said that as part of activities and campaigns Aceh culture in the international community, and promote the potential of the culture. "This event is also an expression of gratitude to the international community who have helped contribute Aceh in any form once glue back the entire fraternity of individuals born in Aceh in various countries of the world," said Ari, ethnomusicology doctoral student at Monash University. Chairman of the commission was in charge of culture and to

How to Safely Invest in Bank Syariah Aceh

DEPOSITO is one investment vehicle that can be utilized timed entire banking customers. To meet the needs of customers, Bank Syariah Aceh at the moment and when it was converted entirely from conventional systems to sharia, which is planned to materialize in August 2016 to coincide HUT-43, still providing product deposits Prosperous shaped deposits with Islamic principles Tim Funding Bank Aceh , Rini Adlina.  said the facility has become a priority desposito products for customers to invest money safely without having to worry about managing earmarked for sectors outside ekomoni sharia. "this Deposito use  akad mudharabah. With this contract as shahibul maal Bank will have full authority to manage the customer funds to sectors of the economy benefit and sharia-compliant, "said Rini Adlina Thursday.  Accompanied by the Corporate Secretary of Bank Aceh, Amal Hasan, Customer Service Bank Syariah Aceh is explained by investing in these products, customers will enjoy a com

Before Lost, Aircraft EgyptAir Send Message There Smoke On Toilet

Bali-best computer system in the Airbus A320 airline EgyptAir flight MS804 had detected the appearance of smoke in the plane disappeared from radar, Thursday (19/02/2016). Smoke-mentioned first appeared in the toilet. The computer system aircraft ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) is known to have sent a message to the pilot the presence of smoke and the control center on land. In addition, ACARS also reported indications and autopilot flight control in an inactive state. ACARS is a text-based communication system that is widely used airline to determine the condition of the system in the aircraft. Computer monitor onboard systems and sending monitoring results via radio waves to a central server on the ground. KompasTekno quoted by The Aviation Herald, Saturday (21/05/2016), a source involved in the investigation in MS804 disclose the contents of the aircraft ACARS message. Here are the contents of messages that reveal the presence of s

Celebrate Birthday, Teenager Drowned in Lake Tawar sea

He drowned while celebrating the 17th anniversary him in Lake Laut Tawar, Thursday (19/05/2016) approximately 12:30 pm. Allegedly, the youngest son of the couple and Spiritual Biher Simanulang this Simamora, drowned after thrown by his friends to the Lake Laut Tawar, precisely in the area of Kala Sand, Bebesen subdistrict, Central Aceh district. "I got word, when the victim was in IGD RSU Datu Beru, Takengon," said one of the victims' families Hotman Sinaga, to, Thursday (19/05/2016).

Always Hear Lectures, Convict Convert to Islam

A convict at the State Prison, East Aceh had embraced Islam, after following the process pensyahadatan guided Imam Mosque, in Mushalla local Rutan, Thursday (19/05/2016) afternoon. Process pengsyahadatan led by the Head Rutan Idi, Yusnaidi SH, also witnessed by TGK H Azhar BTM Deputy Chairman MPU Atim, TGK H Akly of MORA Atim, TGK Khaidir of the Department of Islamic Sharia, TGK H Lukman Hakim from KUA Idi, and TGK Jakfar of organizers Islamic Religious Forum for Religious. Rutan Idi Yusnaidi head SH to, Friday (20/05/2016) states, inmates who embraced Islam was previously named Jhon Pero Hutagalung (40), a resident Simalingkar, North Sumatra (Medan) previously Christian Catholic. "After saying the Creed, John Pero Hutagalung changed its name to M Hidayat. He is a prisoner in narcotics cases that are serving prison time in detention Idi, "said Yusnaidi. The prisoner's intention to embrace Islam, clearly Yusnaidi, as before, he was always listening t

Residents Peureulak Hand Grenade to Police senpi and East Aceh

Aceh - A resident of the District Peureulak, Aceh Timur, one unit of the short-barreled firearm and a grenade fruit to East Aceh Police, Friday (05/20/2916). "Firearms are given the kind of FN and grenade types of mangosteen. Guns and grenades were handed over to the officer Peureulak residents Sat Intelkam East Aceh Police, around 09.00 am," said East Aceh Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Hendri Budiman told reporters on Friday. Firearms FN submitted the residents, said Superintendent Hendri Budiman, condition was broken. While the grenade was still active. "At this time the guns and grenades have we secured in East Aceh Police Headquarters," said Hendri Budiman AKBP. (*)

The Bad Weather in Aceh, Mei 21, 2016

Bang lightning began again after the rain again struck in the city of Lhokseumawe, Friday (05/20/2016) night. observations, from 18:30 pm to extreme weather and thick black clouds began to envelop the region. Residents are expected mewapadai lightning during rain and lightning bolts that hit the region at this time Lhokseumawe


MAKALAH KIAT SUKSES BERWIRAUSAHA Disusun untuk melengkapi tugas Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan Program Pendidikan Diploma III Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe Jurusan Tata Niaga Program Studi Keuangan Dan Perbankan Oleh : Khalil Finanda NIM: 1361406111 ­KEMENTERIAN RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI POLITEKNIK NEGERI LHOKSEUMAWE 2015 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1          Latar B elakang Masalah Sebagaimana kita ketahui, kewirausahaan merupakan  komponen utama dari keberhasilan sebuah bis n is. Para pelaku bisnis haris berani memperhitungkan dan mengambil risiko dari setiap bisnis yang akan dilakukan. Mereka juga harus mengembangkan kreasi-kreasi baru, inovvasi-inovasi baru, untuk menerobos kekauan paradigma konvensional. Oleh karena itu, mengembangkan kewirausahaan menjadi unsur yang sangat penting bagi keber h asilan bisnis di tingkat mikro. Selain itu, pada situasi mutakhir ini, keberhasilan bisnis bukan hanya ditentukan o