Always Hear Lectures, Convict Convert to Islam

A convict at the State Prison, East Aceh had embraced Islam, after following the process pensyahadatan guided Imam Mosque, in Mushalla local Rutan, Thursday (19/05/2016) afternoon.

Process pengsyahadatan led by the Head Rutan Idi, Yusnaidi SH, also witnessed by TGK H Azhar BTM Deputy Chairman MPU Atim, TGK H Akly of MORA Atim, TGK Khaidir of the Department of Islamic Sharia, TGK H Lukman Hakim from KUA Idi, and TGK Jakfar of organizers Islamic Religious Forum for Religious.
Rutan Idi Yusnaidi head SH to, Friday (20/05/2016) states, inmates who embraced Islam was previously named Jhon Pero Hutagalung (40), a resident Simalingkar, North Sumatra (Medan) previously Christian Catholic.
"After saying the Creed, John Pero Hutagalung changed its name to M Hidayat. He is a prisoner in narcotics cases that are serving prison time in detention Idi, "said Yusnaidi.
The prisoner's intention to embrace Islam, clearly Yusnaidi, as before, he was always listening to lectures which convey ust-uztaz in recitals Routine for Prisoners in detention Idi which are held twice a week.
"Although he was non-Muslim. But, any recitation, M Hidayat always sitting on the porch listening to the speeches delivered by Ustadz. Because the preachers to hear a lecture that he (M Hidayat) intend to embrace Islam, then his intentions were presented to the clerk, and our direct pensyahadatan facilitation process, "said Yusnaidi.
After embracing Islam, continued Yusnaidi, M Hidayat, is expected to be steeped in Islamic Studies, both regarding the procedure of prayer, as well as the procedure of reading the Koran and studied Islamic Studies in other bidabng, pleaded Yusnaidi. (*)


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